This mystery, thriller movie is about a young writer named Eddie, played by Bradley Copper, that finds a drug that wakes up a part of his brain that he never knew he had. Throughout the whole movie this writer is looking for more and more drugs until this experimental drug goes dry.
Personally this movie made me fall asleep, literally I fell asleep in the movie theater while watching this movie, but others say they liked it. I didn't like the pace of the movie or the story because I was very confused, the reason I fell asleep! I would rate this movie a 5.5/10 because it has been so hyped up but did not reach my expectations.
Rating: N/A
Running Time: 105 minutes
Release Date: March 18th, 2011
Director: Neil Burger
Writer: Leslie Dixon (screenplay), Alan Glynn (novel)
p.s. it's also a book :)
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